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Writer's pictureSumaiya Petiwala

All about Air frying (Part 1)

Updated: Jun 6

All about Air frying (Part 1)
All about Air frying (Part 1)


Using an air fryer for cooking has garnered significant attention for its potential health benefits. This cooking appliance, designed to fry foods without immersing them in oil, uses heated air that circulates around the food to achieve a crispy texture, akin to traditional frying. The primary allure of air fryers is their ability to reduce the amount of fat and calories in cooked foods, which is a major consideration for anyone looking to maintain optimal health.

Benefits of using airfryer 

Reduced Fat and Calories

The most straightforward health benefit of using an air fryer is the reduction in fat and calories. Traditional frying methods often require foods to be submerged in large amounts of oil, absorbing significant quantities of fat. In contrast, air frying requires little to no oil, reducing fat content by 70% to 80%, according to multiple studies. This significant reduction can help manage weight, as it lowers the overall calorie intake.

Lower Risk of Toxic Compounds

Another important health advantage is the reduced risk of dangerous acrylamide formation in air-fried foods. Acrylamide is a toxic compound that can form in foods during high-temperature cooking processes, such as frying, roasting, or baking. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), acrylamide has been linked to an increased risk of cancer in laboratory animal studies. Air frying can cut acrylamide formation by 90% compared to traditional frying methods, thus potentially reducing your exposure to this harmful chemical.

Preserving Nutrients

Air frying can also help in preserving the nutrient content of the cooked foods better than some traditional cooking methods. For example, frying and boiling can result in a significant loss of vitamins such as Vitamin C and certain B vitamins. Since air fryers require shorter cooking times and use less heat than many conventional ovens, they can better preserve heat-sensitive nutrients that might otherwise be degraded or destroyed.

Promote healthier lifestyle 

Incorporating an air fryer into your cooking routine can also promote a healthier lifestyle. It encourages cooking at home, allowing for better control over the ingredients and cooking methods compared to dining out or consuming pre-cooked, processed foods. For individuals managing chronic conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, air frying can be a valuable cooking method to maintain a diet low in unhealthy fats without sacrificing enjoyment of food.


While air frying offers several health benefits, it is important to consider the types of food typically cooked in an air fryer. The appliance is often used for making traditionally fried foods like French fries and chicken wings, which might not be the healthiest choices due to their high carbohydrate and fat content, even if air-fried. To maximize the health benefits, it's beneficial to use air fryers for a variety of foods, including vegetables and proteins, rather than solely for making junk food alternatives.

Maximize Your Air Fryer Benefits with Expert Guidance!

Want to ensure you're getting the most health benefits from your air fryer? Dr. Sumaiya at NutriCare can help tailor your diet plan to your unique needs. Complete your patient history form now and schedule a consultation for a healthier, happier you!

Summary Pros of Air frying

1. Reduced Fat Content: Air fryers cook by circulating hot air around the food, requiring minimal or no oil. This can significantly decrease the overall fat content of meals, helping in weight management and reducing the risk of heart disease.


2. Lower Calorie Intake: With less oil, foods cooked in an air fryer have fewer calories than their deep-fried counterparts. This can be beneficial for calorie control and diet adherence.


3. Decreased Risk of Toxic Acrylamide Formation: Cooking with an air fryer can reduce the formation of acrylamide, a potentially carcinogenic compound that forms in foods during high-temperature cooking processes like frying.


4. Convenience: Air fryers heat up quickly and cook food faster than traditional ovens. They also don’t require preheating, saving time and simplifying the cooking process.


5. Versatility: Beyond frying, air fryers can be used to roast, bake, and grill, making them a versatile addition to any kitchen.

Summary Cons of Using an Air Fryer

1. Limited Capacity: Most air fryers are small and can only cook limited quantities of food at a time, which may not be ideal for large families or gatherings.


2. Quality of Food: While air fryers do a good job at mimicking the texture of fried food, the results can sometimes be less crispy or evenly cooked compared to traditional frying methods.


3. Risk of Overcooking or Burning: Because air fryers work so quickly, there is a higher risk of overcooking or burning food if not monitored closely.


4. Plastic Taste and Smell: Some users report a plastic taste or smell during the initial uses of their air fryer. This is generally due to the new appliance and usually dissipates over time.


5. Cost: Air can be more expensive than other basic kitchen appliances, making them a more significant investment initially.

Minimizing the Negative Effects of Using an Air Fryer

While the cons of air fryers are notable, there are effective ways to mitigate these potential drawbacks:

1. Choose the Right Size: To overcome the limitation of small capacity, consider the size of your household and cooking habits when purchasing an air fryer. Some models come with larger baskets or multiple tiers, which can accommodate more food and reduce the need for multiple cooking batches.

2. Learn Proper Usage: To avoid uneven cooking or less crispy results, it's essential to learn how to use your air fryer properly. This includes not overcrowding the cooking basket, as this can impede air circulation and result in uneven cooking. Shaking or flipping items midway through cooking can also help achieve a more uniform texture.

3. Monitor Cooking Times Closely: Because air fryers cook food quickly, keeping a close eye on the cooking process can prevent overcooking or burning. Using timers and checking the food periodically can help you get the perfect result every time.

4. Prevent Plastic Taste: If you experience a plastic taste or smell with a new air fryer, run the air fryer empty at a high temperature for about 20 minutes before using it to cook food. This can help burn off any residues from manufacturing that might be causing the smell.

5. Consider the Investment: While air fryers can be pricier than other appliances, they offer significant health benefits that might justify the cost. Additionally, they tend to be energy-efficient and can save on cooking time, which might help offset the initial investment over time.

6. Diversify Usage: To maximize your air fryer’s worth, use it for various cooking methods like grilling, baking, and roasting, not just for frying. This can make it a more versatile tool in your kitchen, allowing you to cook a wide range of dishes and fully leverage its capabilities.

By addressing these cons through careful use and maintenance, you can enhance your cooking experience with an air fryer and enjoy its benefits without significant drawbacks. This approach helps ensure that the air fryer becomes a valuable, health-promoting tool in your culinary arsenal. 

Unlock Healthier Eating with Expert Advice!

Air fryers can reduce fat and calories, but what more can you do? Consult with Dr. Sumaiya at NutriCare for expert dietary advice tailored to your needs. Complete your patient history form and take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle!

Cooking with an air fryer can be simple and rewarding if you know the right tricks. Here are 15 practical tips to help you get the most out of your air fryer:

1. Preheat for Best Results: Although not always necessary, preheating your air fryer for about three minutes before adding your food can help achieve a more even cook and crispier finish.

2. Don't Overcrowd: Ensure that you don't overload the air fryer basket. Overcrowding can lead to unevenly cooked food. Cooking in smaller batches may take longer but will yield better results.

3. Shake or Flip Regularly: For items like fries, vegetables, or small pieces of meat, shake the basket several times during cooking. This helps the food cook evenly and get uniformly crispy.

4. Use Just a Little Oil: Even though you're using an air fryer, a small amount of oil can help achieve a more traditional fried finish and texture. Spraying or tossing food in a light coating of oil is usually enough.

5. Check Food Early: To avoid overcooking, start checking the food a few minutes before the recommended cooking time. Each air fryer is a bit different, and cooking times can vary.

6. Use Parchment Paper: To make cleanup easier and prevent sticking, you can use parchment paper cut to fit the basket. Some brands sell perforated rounds specifically designed for air fryers.

7. Keep It Dry: Pat food dry before cooking (especially if marinated), as excess moisture can cause steam, affecting the crispiness.

8. Temperature Matters: Cooking at the right temperature is key. While 360°F (182°C) is standard for many foods, adjusting the temperature based on the food type and desired texture can improve results.

9. Season Well: Season food before cooking to enhance flavor. Spices and herbs can transform a dish from bland to vibrant.

10. Don’t Use Aerosol Spray Cans: Aerosol sprays contain harsh agents that can damage the non-stick coating of your air fryer basket. Instead, use a refillable oil sprayer or brush.

11. Layer Wisely: If your air fryer is equipped with racks or multiple layers, use them wisely to cook entire meals simultaneously. Just be mindful of what food needs more heat and what might be prone to drying out.

12. Reheat Leftovers: An air fryer is excellent for reheating leftovers, giving them a crispy texture that can't be matched by a microwave.

13. Batch Cooking: For meal prep, you can cook batches of food like chicken breasts, vegetables, or burgers and store them for later. They reheat well in the air fryer.

14. Cook From Frozen: You can cook many frozen foods directly in the air fryer—no thawing necessary. It's perfect for frozen fries, chicken wings, or even bread rolls.

15. Experiment and Adapt: Not every recipe you’re used to can be directly translated to an air fryer. Experiment with times and temperatures, and don’t be afraid to adjust recipes to suit this new cooking method.

Using these tips can help you master the art of air frying, leading to healthier and delicious meals that are both quick and easy to prepare.

Cook Smart, Eat Smart with Professional Help!

Embrace the benefits of air frying under the expert guidance of Dr. Sumaiya at NutriCare. Personalize your nutrition plan by filling out our patient history form. Your journey to better health begins with one click!

Some more important points to remember:

Acrylamide, PAHs and AGEs are 3 harmful compounds produced during various methods of cooking in varied amounts. We will discuss about these in relation to the airfrying mode of cooking.

Acrylamide is a chemical compound that can form in some foods during high-temperature cooking processes, such as frying, roasting, or baking. It's particularly common in starchy foods like potatoes when cooked above 248°F (120°C). To minimize the formation of acrylamide in air-fried dishes, particularly those that are starchy like French fries or potato chips, it's advisable to cook at lower temperatures.

Here are some temperature guidelines to help prevent acrylamide formation in commonly air-fried dishes:

1. Potatoes (French fries, potato chips): Aim to cook these at temperatures no higher than 350°F (177°C). This temperature is high enough to cook potatoes thoroughly and achieve a crispy texture without excessively high heat that promotes acrylamide formation.

2. Breaded Items (chicken nuggets, breaded fish): These can also be cooked at around 350°F (177°C). Ensure the items are fully cooked to a safe internal temperature without overheating the exterior.

3. Pastries and Dough-Based Foods: When air frying items like doughnuts or homemade pastries, keeping the temperature at or below 340°F (170°C) can help reduce acrylamide formation while still allowing the dough to cook through and brown nicely.

Additionally, here are some more tips to further reduce acrylamide formation:

- Soak Potatoes: Soaking sliced or diced potatoes in water for 15-30 minutes before air frying can wash away some of the sugars that contribute to acrylamide formation. Be sure to dry them thoroughly before cooking to ensure crispiness.

- Choose Appropriate Varieties: For potatoes, some varieties are less prone to acrylamide formation. Choosing these types when available can be beneficial.

- Avoid Overcooking: Keep an eye on the cooking time to prevent over-browning or charring, as darker areas are more likely to contain higher levels of acrylamide.

By managing cooking temperatures and employing these strategies, you can significantly reduce the risk of acrylamide formation while using your air fryer.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of chemicals that are formed during the burning of coal, oil, gas, wood, or other organic substances such as food. In the context of cooking, PAHs can be produced when food, particularly meat, is cooked at high temperatures, such as grilling, smoking, or barbecuing. These compounds are found in the smoke generated by burning fat and juices from the meat, and can deposit onto the surface of the food.

Formations During Cooking

PAHs are formed primarily through two cooking-related mechanisms:

1. Pyrolysis of Fat and Juices: When fat and juices from meat drip onto a hot surface or open flame, they burn and produce smoke that contains PAHs. This smoke can then adhere back to the surface of the food, increasing its PAH content.

2. Direct Charring: When meat is exposed to very high temperatures, the surface can char, which directly forms PAHs. This is common in grilling or broiling.

Avoiding PAHs in an Air Fryer

Using an air fryer actually reduces the likelihood of forming PAHs because of its cooking method:

1. No Direct Flame: Since air fryers do not use an open flame or directly burn fuel, the primary method by which PAHs form (pyrolysis from dripping fat) is not a concern. The hot air cooking method does not typically generate smoke.

2. Lower Temperatures: Air fryers generally cook food at slightly lower temperatures compared to grilling or barbecuing, which reduces the risk of charring and the consequent formation of PAHs.

3. Less Fat Dripping: Air fryers cook food by circulating hot air, and any fat that is rendered usually collects at the bottom of the basket away from the food, rather than dripping onto a heat source and generating smoke.

Additional Tips to Minimize PAH Formation in Air Fryers

While air fryers inherently minimize PAH risks, there are practices that can further reduce any potential formation:

- Avoid Overcooking: Keep an eye on the cooking times to prevent charring or burning of the food, which can create PAHs even without flame.


- Prevent Cross-Contamination: Make sure that the air fryer is cleaned thoroughly after each use to avoid any buildup of charred residues, which could smoke and produce PAHs during subsequent uses.

- Use Marinades: Applying a marinade to meats before cooking can help prevent charring. Some studies suggest that certain marinades, especially those containing antioxidants like garlic or herbs, might reduce PAH formation.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively minimize the risk of PAHs when using an air fryer, making it a safer cooking method compared to direct flame grilling or barbecuing.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered harmful when consumed because they have been linked to various health risks. The potential harm from PAHs largely comes from their properties and the way the body processes them. Here are the key reasons why PAHs are considered hazardous:

1. Carcinogenic Properties: Many PAHs are known to be carcinogenic, meaning they can cause cancer. When consumed, PAHs can be metabolized by enzymes in the body into more reactive compounds that can bind to DNA, potentially causing mutations and eventually leading to cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies some PAHs as known human carcinogens.

2. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity: Exposure to PAHs has been linked to developmental and reproductive problems. This includes potential impacts on fertility, as well as developmental issues in unborn babies and children, such as low birth weight and developmental delays.

3. Endocrine Disruption: Some PAHs can interfere with hormone function, acting as endocrine disruptors. This can lead to a variety of health problems, including effects on growth and development, reproduction, and the immune and nervous systems.

4. Respiratory Problems: Inhalation of PAHs (which can occur from consuming contaminated air along with food) can lead to respiratory issues, including inflammation of the respiratory tract and worsening of pre-existing respiratory diseases like asthma.

5. Immune System Effects: PAHs can also have an immunosuppressive effect, weakening the immune system's ability to fight off infections and increasing the susceptibility to various diseases.

Given these risks, it’s important to manage and minimize exposure to PAHs, particularly through dietary sources. Cooking methods that reduce the production of PAHs, such as using air fryers or cooking at lower temperatures, along with avoiding charred or smoked foods, can help reduce the intake of these harmful compounds.

Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) are harmful compounds that form when protein or fat combine with sugar in the bloodstream. This process, known as glycation, can occur naturally in the body, especially as part of aging and in certain diseases like diabetes. AGEs can also be formed in foods through certain cooking processes.

Formation of AGEs

In the body, AGEs are a result of normal metabolism but tend to accumulate over time, especially under conditions of persistent high blood sugar, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Externally, AGEs form in foods when they are heated to high temperatures, particularly through dry-heat cooking methods such as grilling, frying, roasting, and baking. These methods promote the Maillard reaction, which is a chemical reaction between amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) and reducing sugars that gives browned foods their distinctive flavor and color.

Health Implications of AGEs

1. Chronic Inflammation: AGEs can provoke inflammatory responses, which over time can contribute to chronic inflammatory diseases.

2. Oxidative Stress: AGEs can increase oxidative stress by enhancing the production of free radicals, which can damage cells and tissues, leading to various health issues including cardiovascular diseases and aging.

3. Vascular Damage: In diabetes, the excessive formation of AGEs can lead to vascular damage, contributing to complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy, and atherosclerosis.

4. Alzheimer's Disease: Some research suggests that AGEs might contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease by promoting the formation of amyloid-beta plaques, a hallmark of the disease.

5. Aging: AGEs are thought to play a significant role in the aging process by affecting the structure and function of bodily tissues, leading to the stiffness of collagen in the skin and other parts of the body.

Dietary AGEs and Management

The consumption of foods high in AGEs can add to the body’s own AGE load, potentially exacerbating health issues. Foods rich in fats and proteins are generally higher in AGEs, especially if cooked under high heat and low moisture. Some of the foods with high levels of dietary AGEs include:

- Red meats

- Poultry

- Full-fat cheeses

- Foods that are fried or grilled

To manage and reduce AGE intake:

- Cooking Methods: Opt for cooking methods that involve lower temperatures and higher moisture, such as steaming, boiling, or stewing, which produce fewer AGEs compared to grilling or frying.

- Marinating: Acidic marinades, such as those containing lemon juice or vinegar, can help reduce the formation of AGEs during cooking.

- Diet Choices: Emphasize a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other low-AGE foods.

Understanding and managing AGEs, both in diet and as part of overall metabolic health, can be important for reducing their potential negative impacts, particularly for individuals with chronic conditions like diabetes or those concerned with aging and chronic diseases.

Discover the Full Health Potential of Your Meals!

Ready to take your health journey to the next level? Consult with Dr. Sumaiya at NutriCare to personalize your diet and maximize the benefits of using an air fryer. Fill out our patient history form and start cooking your way to a healthier life today!


Air fryers present a healthier alternative to traditional frying by reducing the amount of fat and calories in food, lowering the risk of toxic acrylamide formation, and potentially preserving more nutrients. However, for optimal health, it's essential to focus on the overall diet and use air frying as one of many healthy cooking techniques.

Using an air fryer can be a game-changer in the kitchen, offering a healthier alternative to traditional deep-frying methods. However, like any cooking appliance, it comes with its own set of pros and cons. Here’s an overview, along with strategies to minimize any potential negative effects.

Transform Your Cooking, Transform Your Health!

Using an air fryer is just the beginning. Let Dr. Sumaiya at NutriCare customize a nutrition plan that complements your cooking habits. Fill out our patient history form today to get started on a personalized path to optimal health!

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